Featured Hikes

Cougar Crest
Cardio Hike
Elevation 7,710 – a gain of 840 ft in 2.5 miles (5-mile Round Trip)

Pine Knot
Elevation 7,784 ft- a gain of 1,200 ft in 3.25 miles (7.5 mile round trip)

Castle Rock

Grays Peak
Tours will begin once the parking lot and trailhead are open. The gates are closed each season to protect our resident bald eagles and local celebrities Jackie and Shadow along with their new babies. For more information and to view our live nest cam on YouTube, click here.

Wellness Walk
One-hour hike to connect you with the healing properties of the forest.
(1 mile round trip)

Elevation 6,743ft – a gain of 300ft in 5 miles
(5 mile round trip)

Custom Hike
You set the details. How long? How much elevation gain?